Saturday, January 31, 2009

hOme HOME. hoMe ( kinda pist)

yea so i was mad on thursday cause i no long have a free period. FUCKING CAHSEE (got dammit) does that test really determine if i graduate or not. SOMEONE HELP ME CHEAT. this math stuff hasnt ever been my thing. ahhhhhh so second semester GUESS WHAT???

CAHSEE CLASS. (6th period) ughhhhhhh
time to step up the game. 

anyway friday was delicious. as usual day at school. but a salad a chi chi's ( with myself) was the greatest relaxation i could've hadd. yummm. taking action was great .. looking forward to the next. && plans where g r e a t.  WHOOT WHOOT. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
that BK. <==== was d i s g u s t i n g. tsk tsk. i know not to trust my cravings. (hahahaha whenimadlsjhalsdjkvbsdjkbvjksbdb) 
TODAY; its started off great. except after i found that shit up there ^^. gotta question? before i assume but still. its a natural reaction. aside from that BULLSHIT. woke up .. 
me&& a GRACE THE MACE went to jamba juice ... came home.. && my grandma MADE THE BESTEST DISHHHHHHHHHH EVERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
&& it wasnt  MEXICAN FOOD> can u believe that??? hahah but i love my frijoles && tortillas. 
anyway my aunt mercedes & uncle vince are here . . . its always good spending time with them. 
&& a little later will be hanging out with my aunt Dora & her family. 
i'm outttttttttttttttttttttttttttt 
buh byeee.

1 comment:

  1. lol. i guess its weird to me cuz i know niko pretty well so i wouldnt even think twice about him saying that.. BUT anyway, if i had known it was going to upset anybody, i wouldnt have put it up. mostly it was funny that he was getting defensive about me talking to you.. and i would take that as a good sign about how he feels towards you. i assure you he doesnt really think that about you :/ and you should know that! cmon!

    in fact, similar to the way bitch became a "bad word" when it really means "female dogg".. it has lots of meanings these days, as im sure you know. lots of girls call their friends bitches.. in fact according to urban dictionary, "my bitch" can mean--

    my bitch, an affectionate way that someone might refer to their girlfriend as"

    and im not even kidding, go look it up,, and type in "my bitch"

